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Select the correct answer

Number Ich trinke Tee.

Number Ich sehe Mann. .

Number Ich habe Auto gekauft.

Number Ich gebe Buch meinem Freund.

Number Ich treffe Freundin.

Number Ich besuche Eltern.

Number Ich esse Apfel.

NumberIch trinke Milch.

Number Ich lese Zeitung.

Number Ich gebe Geld meiner Schwester.

Fill in the Blank Quiz

Number Michael sieht Hund .

Number Ich gebe meiner Schwester Brief .

Number Wir sehen Strand .

Number Er trinkt Kaffee ohne Milch

Number Ich arbeite ganzen Tag für meine Firma .

Number Wir machen Urlaub ohne Kinder.

Number Sie geht Park

Number Er spielt Gitarre um 8 Uhr.

Number Wir besuchen Stadt.

Number Sie kauft Auto .

Select the correct answer:

Number Which article should be used for ‘Hund’ in the accusative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Mädchen’ in the accusative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Haus’ in the accusative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Tür’ in the nominative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Buch’ in the nominative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Tisch’ in the accusative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Buch’ in the nominative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Tasse’ in the accusative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘Stuhl’ in the nominative case?

Number Which article should be used for ‘ Kind’ in the accusative case?

Exercice 3

Exercice 2

Exercice 1


Exercices - Nominative and accusative case 


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