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I. Theory and definitions: Adjective  endings depending on the case

Learn2Deutsch german case adjective ending
Adjective case depending on case
Adjective endings Learn2Deutsch

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  Nominative Accusative Dative  
Demonstrative pronouns

dieser rote

diesen roten

diesem roten


diese gelbe

diese gelbe

dieser  gelben


dieses schwarze

dieses schwarze

diesem schwarzen


diese roten

diese roten

diesen roten



  Nominative Accusative Dative  
possessive pronouns

mein roter

meinen roten

meinem roten


meine rote

meine rote

meiner roten


mein rotes

mein rotes

meinem roten


meine roten

meine roten

meinen roten



Mein neues Haus ist schön.   


Ein neues Haus - a new house 


Mein neues Haus - my new house




It’s the same table, we only add - m to ein, eine


The same rule applies to all possessive pronouns : sein, ihr, unser, euer, ihr.

The black cat brings misfortune.


She drinks hot tea. 


I love my good man.


We want this nice house.

Definite articles: Die schwarze Katze bringt Unglück.


Indefinite articles: Sie trinkt einen heißen Tee.


Possessive pronouns: Ich liebe meinen guten Mann 


Demonstrative pronouns: Wir wollen dieses schöne Haus.

✔️ For demonstrative pronouns we apply the same endings we use for definite articles. Don’t forget the endings of demonstratives:



MASCULINE - er, en, -em 


NEUTER - es, em 



✔️For possessive pronouns we apply the same endings we use for indefinite articles. 



How does it work? Let’s break down the next sentence:

  Nominative Accusative Dative  
Definite Article

der rote

den roten

dem roten


die gelbe

die gelbe

der  gelben


das schwarze

das schwarze

dem schwarzen


die roten

die roten

den roten

Indefinite article

ein roter

einen roten

einem roten


eine rote

eine rote

einer roten


ein rotes

ein rotes

einem roten

Kein Negation

keine roten

keine roten

keinen roten



*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

Pronouns for adjective endings

Adjective endings accompanied by articles

Let’s break down the next examples: 


Das rote Auto ist da.     


In Nominative case, the adjective “rot” gets -e, definite article “das”


The red car is there.     



Ich habe ein rotes Auto.


In the accusative case, the adjective “rot” gets -es,  indefinite article “ein”


I have a red car. 




Ich gebe dem armen Mann Geld.


In the dative case, the adjective “arm” gets -en, definite article “der”


I give money to the poor man .


*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

Take your chance and try to guess what these  sentences mean!

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


✔️   Practical examples. After you break-down these sentences and understand better how it works, test your knowledge and try to translate them.

V. Let's practice! - Adjective endings depending on the case

Mr. Puddle: Exactly! The datives have also -en. See? Now you almost know all the endings!

Mr. Puddle: Don’t forget the mnemonics! These are essential tools to learn the adjective endings: always use -e ending for the nominative and the accusative cases, the only exception is the masculine, which generally gets -en at accusative.

Mr. Kitty Hawk: This is so damn stresfull. Meow!

Mr. Kitty Hawk: All the plurals have -en endings, right?

Mr. Kitty Hawk: So many endings…. How am I supposed to remember all of these? Meowww

     IV. Purrrfection explained! - Adjective endings depending on the case

Here there are some mnemonics We know they look complicated, but don't get overwhelmed!

Don't forget that the best mnemonic remains the practice. 


  • All definite articles + adjectives get -e ending at NOMINATIVE 


Der rote, gute, kleine, schöne Stuhl

Das rote, gute, kleine, schöne Auto

Die rote, gute, kleine, schöne Blume

The red, good, small, beautiful chair

The red, good, small, beautiful car

The red, good, small, beautiful flower

  • The same applies to ACCUSATIVE, only the masculine gets -en

Den roten, guten, kleinen, schönen Stuhl

Das rote, gute, kleine, schöne Auto

Die rote, gute, kleine, schöne Blume

  • All plurals get -en ending 

Die/den starken, interessanten, seltsamen  Männer      (Männern - at Dative)

Keine/euere/diese starken, interessanten, seltsamen  Frauen

The strong, interesting, strange men 

None / your / these strong, interesting, strange women

  • All datives get - en ending

Dem  starken, interessanten, seltsamen  Männern

Der    starken, interessanten, seltsamen  Frauen

Einem  starken, interessanten, seltsamen Mann

Einer starken, interessanten, seltsamen Frau

Meinem/diesem starken, interessanten, seltsamen Mensch

III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn them easily? Adjective endings depending on the case

II.  Practical examples - Adjective endings depending on the case




✔️In previous lessons we learned a lot about the German cases:


The articles of nouns,  the personal, demonstrative and  personal pronouns are declined within all cases differently and have different forms


✔️The function of the subject ( in Nominative), the direct object (in Accusative) and the indirect object (in Dative).



The adjective endings are connected to everything we previously learned so far, because the endings are different depending on the case, the article and the pronouns.

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Adjective endings depending on the case


Use the following adjectives to complete the next sentences: schwarze, schwarze, guten, schönen, nette, gute, guten, schöne.

Number Laura : Ich liebe deine Jacke! Es ist so schön!

NumberEla: Das Jacke ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk von meiner...

Number ... Tochter.

Laura: Ja wirklich?

Number Ela: Ja, ich habe auch diesen Hut von meinem Mann.

Number Laura: Du hast eineund ... .

Number ... Familie!

Number Ela: Ich stimme zu, ich liebe meinen Mann und meine...

Number ... Tochter!

See the translation of the text

Laura: I love your black jacket! It is so beautiful!
Ela: The black jacket is a birthday present from my good daughter.
Laura: Really?
Ela: Yes, I also have this nice hat from my husband.
Laura: You have a nice and good family!
Ela: I agree, I love my good husband and my beautiful daughter!

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