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Here's an example sentence in few of the tenses :




  • Present tense: "Ich trinke eine Tasse Tee." (I drink a cup of tea.)


  • Past tense: "Ich trank eine Tasse Tee." (I drank a cup of tea.)


  • Future tense: "Ich werde eine Tasse Tee trinken." (I will drink a cup of tea.)


  • Subjunctive mood: "Es sei denn, ich trinke eine Tasse Tee." (Unless I drink a cup of tea.)


  • Present perfect: "Ich habe eine Tasse Tee getrunken" (I have drunk a cup of tea)


  • Past perfect: "Ich hatte eine Tasse Tee getrunken" (I had drunk a cup of tea)


  • Future perfect: "Ich werde eine Tasse Tee getrunken haben" (I will have drunk a cup of tea)


  • Conditional: "Ich würde eine Tasse Tee trinken" (I would drink a cup of tea)




As you can see, the verb "trinken" (to drink) changes in each tense to indicate the time of the action, And yes, there are other tenses than this. Lol.

Next up, verbs. German verbs can change based on the subject and the tense. It's like a game of Tetris, trying to fit the right verb form into the sentence.


Nominative: "Ich liebe." (I love)



Accusative: "Ich liebe dich." (I love you.)



Dative: "Ich schenke dir meine Liebe." (I give you my love.)



Genitive: "Ich denke an die Liebe, die ich für dich empfinde." (I think about the love that I have for you.)

German nouns have different cases: nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive. Each case has its own set of rules and uses

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Ich habe Hunger.

I am hungry

Ich habe Durst.

I am thirsty
Ich bin kalt. I am cold
Ich bin warm.


I am warm
Ich bin glücklich. I am happy
Ich bin traurig. I am sad
Ich bin müde. I am tired
Ich bin wach. I am awake
Ich bin beschäftigt.

I am busy

Yes, they look like a lot, but the number don't actually differ than in English language. But they hurt. A lot.

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


  • "Ich möchte gerne eine Tasse Kaffee trinken." (I would like to have a cup of coffee.)


  • "Wir haben uns gestern Abend auf dem Markt getroffen." (We met last night at the market.)


  • "Sie hat ihr Studium im letzten Jahr abgeschlossen." (She completed her studies last year.)

Nouns are always capitalized (starts with a big letter!)

Learning german language is not a sprint, but more like a marathon!

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


Mr. MeowrrEhm. Can't fight that. Danke!

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Take your chance and try to guess what these  sentences mean ! Afterwards, follow the structure to get a better understanding !

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


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Mr. Puddle:  If you ever feel like you're out of mood for learning it: Don't be to hard on yourself. Take the necessary time and come back! Learning a language is not like riding a bike. It's more like playing chess for life. Your brain keeps being eficient and you can mock other people of how cool you are, lol.

Mr. Puddle:  Don't worry about the process. It is exactly what it is: a process. It takes time, energy and resources. But it's worth! It's a rewarding language. For you brain, and for your goals!

Mr. Meowrr: Yes, but what if i lose my mood during the process? It looks so looongg..

Mr. Meowrr: Mr. Puddle, I am really worried that i will have problems on learnin german. It looks so hard!

I. Theory and definitions : What is German Language?

The wonderful German Language

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✔️ We're pretty sure that there are enough new German learners that are reading this introduction. So, for you guys, so far it probably looked scary. But if you speak english well, it will be waay easier than you would think. 


For example, let's try to translate the following sentences. Just use your intuition. It will be the proof that German Language is hard, but it you have it in yourself!


     IV. Purrrfection explained! - German Language



✔️ The verb position is almost always in the second position. Yes, this will save you a lot of nerves.


✔️ There are 4 new letters that German Language use:  Ä, Ö and Ü are called „umlauts“ and sound very similar to A, O and U, but they are formed in the front of your mouth and thus have a sharper sound. The letter „β“ is called  “eszett”.and it's pronounced just "S". 

 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn  them easily? 


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II.  Practical examples of German Language

✔️ Welcome to the world of German language, where grammar is king and pronunciation is queen. Are you ready to embark on this journey? Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride.


Learning the vocabulary is like trying to remember the name of that actor you saw in that one movie, but with way more words and less IMDB. Learning German is like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, but instead of pieces, it's grammar rules.German pronunciation is like trying to whistle with a mouth full of marbles


And this is just a short description on how we see German language.


In the following minutes, we'll try to highlight the most important facts about German grammar, vocabulary and  pronunciation. 


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