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Most common plural endings for neuter:  -er

Most common plural endings for feminine:-  n, en

Most common plural endings for masculine:  -e, en 

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          der Friseur - die Friseure


          der Schmetterling - die Schmetterlinge


          der Teppich - die Teppiche


          der Käfig - die Käfige 


          der Student - die Studenten 


          der  Doktor - die Doktoren







          die Tasche - die Taschen


          die Rose - die Rosen


          die Bäckerei - die Bäckereien


          die Krankheit - die Krankheiten


          die Möglichkeit - die Möglichkeiten


          die Freundschaft - die Freundschaften 








          das Kind - die Kinder


          das Fahrrad - die Fahrräder 


          das Buch - die Büche

In German language, each time a noun is at its plural form we use DIE article 


Mr. Puddle answers:

Important news!

Take your chance and try to guess what these words mean. When you want to check, press " Check me"

*Don't get mad if you don't succeed. It's an intuition game!

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


It is a vowel, especially used in German, to indicate a different vowel quality. 


Mr. Puddle answers:

What is umlaut?

Are you an English speaker and you find yourself quite confused when faced with German plurals?

Don’t worry, life is easy when you learn the rules below ⬎



 -e ending (89% masculine and 75% neuter       nouns have this         ending) 


» masculine nouns with these endings -eur, -ier, -ig, -ich, -är, -ling

» masculine nouns sometimes get an umlaut: 


der Kuss - die Küsse

der Koch - die Köche 

der Platz - die Plätze


» many neuter nouns (don’t get umlaut) when adding -e


das Heft - die Hefte


»  many feminine (25%) nouns with one syllable get umlaut


die Kraft - die Kräfte

die Hand - die Hände



- s (like in English, it applies to foreign words)


» masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns with the endings -a, -i, -o, -u, -y


das Hobby - die Hobbys

das Auto - die Autos

die Kamera - die Kameras



-n  (all feminine nouns ending in - e)


» It’s well known that almost 75% feminine nouns always get -n at plural:


die Lampe - die Lampen


» there are also a few masculine nouns: der Name (die Namen)



- en ( all feminine and masculine nouns with certain endings)


»  feminine -ei, -heit, - keit, -schaft, -thek, -ung, - ät, - ik, -ur oder –ion


»  masculine –ent, -ant, -krat, –ist, -or


»  all neuter nouns ending with - um


das Album - die Alben


» a few neuter nouns:


das Verb - die Verben

das Bett - die Betten



- r/ er 


» many neuter nouns:


das Bild - die Bilder


» very common with umlaut:


das Haus - die Häuser 


» very rare for masculine nouns (sometimes with umlaut)


der Mann - die Männer 

»  never used for feminine nouns



NO endings


» masculine nouns -el, -er 


der Computer - die Computer


» neuter nouns -chen, -lein, -en 


das Mädchen - die Mädchen 

Select the correct answer:

Number What is the plural for "die Maus"?

Number What is the plural for "die Frage"?

Number What is the plural for "das Dokument"?

Number What is the plural for "das Museum"?

Number What is the plural for "der Tag"?

V. Let's practice! - Plural of the nouns

Mr. PuddleTry to learn the few ones presented on the site. Then, do the exercices recommanded below. And for the final part, create a notebook and wrote down each time you see a new noun.

You will feel the patterns in no time!

Mr. Puddle: It’s not an easy task to learn all of these rules, but you should remember the endings for feminine -n, -en, for masculine -e, en and neuter -er, and all the other exceptions and not so common endings will come on the way, as you progress.

Mrs. Purrplexed:: Okay! I mean.. meow!

Mrs. Purrplexed: Mr. Puddle, but there are so many!

Mrs. Purrplexed:  I’m pretty confused about so many plurals, endings, rules and exceptions...

IV. Purrrfection explained! - Plural of the nouns

» Try to learn all the main rules for specific endings. This will be an important tool as you encounter more nouns here on the site, but you may also:



»  Memorizing all these rules may prove to be challenging and difficult for a beginner, so we recommend that you should create a special notebook where you write down each  noun you learn with its plural (only for the  ambitious ones!) 



»  Try our exercises available bellow at recommendations:

III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn them easily? - Plural of the nouns

II.  Practical examples - Plural of the nouns

Plural of the nouns in German

I. Theory: Plural of the nouns in German





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