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Verbs in dative case German
Verbs in dative case Learn2Deutsch
Verbs in dative case

träumen von

to dream of

überrascht von

to be surprised by

enttäuscht von

to be disappointed by/with/in

erwarten von

to expect of

abhängen von

to depend on


zu (literally translated to)

helfen bei

to help at/with

beliebt bei

popular with

sich entschuldigen bei

to apologize to

sich bewerben bei

to apply to


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Say “anrufen” when you want to call somebody, use “telefonieren mit” when you talk with that person on the phone/ have a phone conversation

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


The verbs with dative prepositions


These are very important verbs (and phrases), which have their prepositions fixed and should be memorised as shown below (we covered the most common ones):

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!


A. Do you believe me?


B. I'm inviting you to my party


C. She is congratulating us


D. My mother is disappointed with me


E. They don't talk with me



A. Glauben Sie mir?


B. Ich lade dich zu meiner Party ein


C. Sie gratuliert uns


D. Meine Mutter ist von mir enttäuscht


E. Sie reden nicht mit mir




Check me!


A. I help friends at work


B. We work on a project


C. I talk with the teacher on the phone


D. She is surprised by the presents.


E. I attend a conference today




A. Ich helfe den Freunden  bei der Arbeit


B. Wir arbeiten an einem Projekt


C. Ich telefoniere mit dem Lehrer


D. Sie ist überrascht von den Geschenken.


E. Ich nehme heute an einer Konferenz teil




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schützen vor

to protect from

sich fürchten vor

to be scared of

sich verstecken vor

to hide from

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*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !


glauben an to believe in

denken an

to think of

anpassen an

to adapt to
sich gewöhnen an to get used to
sich erinnern an
to remember

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*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

nach (not very intuitive)

fragen nach


to ask for/about

suchen nach

to search for

klingen nach

to sound like


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zu (literally translated to)

einladen zu

to invite to

gratulieren zu

to congratulate

beitragen zu

to contribute to

führen zu

to lead to

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mit (this is an easy one: with )


anfangen mit

to start with



beginnen mit

to begin with


reden mit

to talk with



sprechen mit

to speak with



telefonieren mit


to talk on the phone with


aufhören mit


to stop with
vergleichen mit to compare with
zufrieden sein mit

to be satisfied with

sich streiten mit


to argue with



*es geht

it works


to hurt
*schmecken to taste
passen to fit
gefallen to like
passieren to happen
*fehlen to lack
helfen to help
antworten to answer
glauben to believe
gehören to belong to
folgen to follow
gratulieren to congratulate
vertrauen to trust
danken to thank
erlauben to allow


Dative verbs


Dative verbs as opposed to accusative verbs (here!) form a small group of verbs.

Mr. Puddle: Correct! Also, we say “Ich mag das Telefon” but here “Ich mag” has more emphasis than “Mir gefällt”, “I like it more” when I use “mag”. When you really like something: “Ich liebe das Telefon” saying that, I literally love the phone!

Mr. Puddle: Well, the pronoun is first as usual, though it’s not in the nominative (ich) but rather in dative, followed by the verb in the 3rd person. Let’s try “gefallen”, - gefällt, Let's try an example: How do I say “I like the phone”?

Miss Purrplexed:: “Mir gefällt das Telefon”?

Miss Purrplexed: I don’t understand the inversion verbs…

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I. Theory and definitions: Verbs in dative

Verbs in dative case German


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In German when you feel it’s too hot, it’s strange to say “Ich bin heiß!” (in English “I’m hot”) because it’s translated literally as “I’m sexy” and you may easily raise some eyebrows around you, instead you have to say “Mir ist heiß”

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


✔️   Practical examples. As we told you already, the they are very similar with the accusative ones. Yet, they have theyr own ways of rolling. Let's see!

V. Let's practice! - Verbs in dative

IV. Purrrfection explained! - Verbs in dative

✔️Verbs with “mit” and “zu” are literally translated from English “with, to”, so you shouldn't stay too much memorizing them


✔️The dative verbs are just a few and are very common in the spoken and written language, you’ll learn them gradually


✔️You can intuitively learn the other verbs with dative prepositions “überrascht von, enttäuscht von”, or create some charts or draw some mind maps or try building your own sentences




 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn  them easily? - Verbs in dative

II.  Practical examples - Verbs in dative

This lesson will be very similar with the previous one. This happens because they share the same concepts but in theyr own way. When we talked about the accusative and nominative cases (here!), we explained how important is the relationship between:


✔️ The subject (Nominative ) and 

✔️ The object (direct - Accusative, indirect - Dative).



Let’s revise the dative case:


✔️ It points out a indirect object: Ich gebe dem Mann einen Apfel


✔️ How do we figure out the indirect object? By asking “to whom?”.



* To whom do I give an apple?

* To a man!




➔ The articles are changed: 


masculine   der/ das ⟶ dem, ein ⟶ einem

feminine      die ⟶  der, eine ⟶ einer

plural           die ⟶ den (some nouns get -n)



➔ The pronouns are also changed: mir, dir, ihm, ihr, uns, euch, ihnen/ Ihnen


➔ We also learned the Dative prepositions: aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, zu, von

or dative - accusative prepositions (here!)


➔ Don’t forget about the verbs of position, which are asking for dative: stehen, sitzen, legen, hängen



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Select the correct answer

Number Ich bin abhängig dir!

Number meinem Bruder. .

NumberHör auf diesem Geräusch!

Number Sie ist dem Haus zufrieden

NumberEr starb letzte Woche Krebs.

NumberIch kann nicht einem neuen Job träumen.

NumberMein Bruder ist enttäuscht mir.

Number kalt.

Number Wir verstecken uns der Polizei.

Number Hast du sie meiner Party eingeladen?

See the translation of the text

1. I'm depending on you!

2. The car belongs to my brother

3. Stop with that noise!

4. She is satisfied with the house

5. He died from cancer last week

6. I can't dream of a new job

7. My brother is disappointed in me

8. I'm cold

9. We're hiding from the police

10. Did you invite her to my party?

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