autobiography technique: write a story about your school years, about teachers, favorite school subject, a funny story and some words about people you liked or disliked in school; it’ll be easier to memorise the vocabulary if you contextualise it within your own story
recording the story and recalling it: after you checked the grammar and all error have been eliminated, record it while you’re reading it; listen to the audio tape several times till you can say it fluently
tell the story to your German teacher, your language exchange partner or to anyone who speaks German, you’ll never forget it!
Was ist dein Lieblingsfach in der Schule? - What is your favorite school subject?
Heute habe ich Mathematik, Geschichte, Biologie und Kunst - Today I have math, history, biology and art
Ich habe alle Tests in diesem Semester bestanden - I passed all tests this semester
Alle Kinder lernen in der ersten Klasse lesen und schreiben - All children learn how to read and write in the first grade
Kannst du mir bitte einen Stift geben? - Can you please give me a pen?
Habt ihr euch auf den Englischtest vorbereitet? - Have you prepared for the English test?
Mein Sohn hat diese Woche viele Hausaufgaben - My son has a lot of homework this week
Ich schreibe gerne Essays zu verschiedenen Themen - I like writing essays on different topics
Der Lehrer überprüft ständig die Hausaufgaben und erklärt uns, was wir verpasst oder falsch gemacht haben - The teacher is constantly reviewing homework and telling us what we missed or did wrong
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