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I. Theory and definitions: The imperfect tense in German

Imperfect tense Learn2Deutsch
Imperfect tense L2D

Mr. Puddle: Yes, but also you should make a clear distinction between irregular and regular ending in the imperfect tense!

Miss Purrfect: : Sure thing! Danke!

Worth to mention: Separable and inseparable verbs in the imperfect

These verbs are like any other regular or irregular verbs when adding the endings:

Separable verbs:


Sie schaltete das Radio ein.     

She turned on the radio



Inseparable verbs:


Sie besuchte ihre Eltern.         

She visited her parents

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


  Haben = to have
Wissen = To know
Ich hatte wusste
Du hattest wusstest
Er/ Sie /Es hatte wusste
Wir hatten wussten
Ihr hattet wusstet
Sie hatten wussten
Sie (formal) hatten wussten


✔️ These verbs are irregular but they have regular endings at imperfect:

Mixed verbs

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  können sollen müssen dürfen mögen
Ich konnte sollte musste durfte mochte
Du konntest solltest musstest durftest mochtest
Er/ Sie/ Es konnte sollte musste dufte mochte
Wir konnten sollten mussten durften mochten
Ihr konnte solltet musstet durftet mochtet
Sie/ sie konnten sollten mussten durften mochten


Modal verbs

  sein = to be

Iregular endings

Ich war /

I was

Du warst st You were
Er/ Sie /Es war /

He/ She/ It was

Wir waren en We were
Ihr wart t You were
Sie waren en They were
Sie (formal) waren en

You were


  kaufen = to buy

regular endings

Ich kaufte te

I bought

Du kauftest test You bought
Er/ Sie /Es kaufte te

He/ She/ It bought

Wir kauften ten We bought
Ihr kauftet tet You bought
Sie kauften ten They bought
Sie (formal) kauften ten

You bought



Let’s learn the endings of the imperfect tense at regular verbs:



-te, -test, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten, -ten


“What’s an unchanged stem? Let’s take “kaufen” for example: the root “kauf” doesn’t change at all when conjugated, while an irregular verb, such as “essen” changes the stem:  “esse, isst, esst”.

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!



The form of the imperfect tense


When we learned the present  tense, we made an important distinction between: regular and irregular verbs. The same rule applies to the imperfect tense. 



Regular verbs:  They have no important changes, these verbs have the same endings attached to their unchanged stem (root).




The use of sein, haben, werden, wissen

The use of  modal verbs

Check me!

Check me!

Maya didn't buy a car.

He learned to dance in school.



I was on vacation in Austria last summer.

You ate everything!



We had a dog.

They didn't know anything about the project



I wanted to buy a car.

The teacher couldn't show the results.

Regular verbs:


Maya kaufte kein Auto. 

Er lernte Tanzen in der Schule.


Iregular verbs: Sie trinkt einen heißen Tee.


Ich war letzten Sommer in Österreich im Urlaub.

Sie alles!


Mixed verbs: Ich liebe meinen guten Mann 


Wir hatten einen Hund.

Sie wussten nichts über das Projekt


Modal verbs: Wir wollen dieses schöne Haus.


Ich wollte ein Auto kaufen.

Der Lehrer konnte die Ergebnisse nicht zeigen.

As we previously mentioned, the modal verbs are often used in the spoken language at the imperfect tense.




There are some rules you should follow:



✔️ Umlauts are dropped from the stem of the modal verbs: können - Ich konnte


✔️ These verbs have the same endings like regular verbs

✔️ Changing the vowel   

o ⤑ ö,    u ⤑ ü,    a ⤑ ä



Let’s learn the endings of the imperfect tense at irregular verbs

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*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

Irregular verbs: change their stem by

*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

It sounds unnatural for natives not to use these verbs in the imperfect tense when talking about past events, you should learn them by heart!  

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


✔️   Practical examples. After you break-down the sentences and understand better how it works, test your knowledge and try to translate them.

V. Let's practice! - The imperfect tense

Mr. Puddle: Don’t forget to use mnemonics and learn the endings in a comparative manner!

Mr. Puddle: I hope so! Always use the imperfect tense in the written language if you’re writing something formal, or when using the modal verbs while speaking about the past.

Miss Purrfect:  The endings didn’t seem so difficult for me. I just add -t to the present ending with a few exceptions …

Miss Purrfect: : I also learned that there are mixed verbs, which are irregular as form but regular in the endings.

Miss Purrfect: Mr Puddles, this lesson is an easy one!

IV. Purrrfection explained! - The imperfect tense

✔️ Learn the endings in a comparative manner:


✔️ 1st (Ich) and 3rd(er/sie/es) persons have the same endings at singular 


  • The regular - te
  • The irregular: no endings




✔️ 1st (wir) and 3rd(sie) persons + polite pronoun (Sie) have the same endings at plural


The regular: ten

The irregular: en (+formal pronoun)



The mixed verbs and the modal verbs have the same endings like the regular verbs.

 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn them easily? -  The imperfect tense

II.  Practical examples - The imperfect tense



✔️  The English “past simple” of the verbs


✔️  Commonly used in the written language (non-fiction and fiction books, textbooks,  newspapers, magazines, articles) for narratives or formal writing. 


✔️  It is not used in the spoken language ( instead we use the present perfect - see our next lesson-link aici); 


✔️  There are only a few exceptions when the imperfect tense is used in the spoken language:

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The imperfect tense in German


Fill in the Blank Quiz

Number Sie (wollen) ein neues Haus haben.

NumberSie (nehmen) das Telefon von mir. .

Number Der Präsident (sagen) die Wahrheit.

Number Sie (können) es schaffen!

Number Er (essen) den Kuchen vor der ganzen Klasse. . .

Number Wir (wissen) von dem Unfall.

Number Der Artzt (schreiben) "Nehmen Sie diese Pille die nächsten 3 Tage"

Number Du (haben) diese Katze schon mal, oder?

Number Sie (mögen) das Geschenk von mir.

See the translation of the text

1.She wanted to have a new house.
2.She took the phone from me
3.The president said the truth.
4.They could do it!
5.He ate the cake before the whole class.
6.We knew about the accident.
7.The doctor wrote : "take this pill the next 3 days"
8.You had this cat before, right?
9.They liked the gift from me.

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