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Translate the following word.
If it is a noun, don't forget to add the proper article.

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IV. Flashcards - Train your german vocabulary Nationalities and countries

generally, most country are neuter - have the article *das*, but in German the article isn’t mentioned, the only exception is when a country has feminine/masculine article, you must use it: “Ich komme aus der Schweiz”

have you noticed? many countries are similar to their English equivalent words

The first phrases are very important when you talk about yourself “Woher kommst du? “Ich komme aus
” “Ich spreche 
.”  â€œIch wohne in ...”

Woher kommst du? - Where do you come from?

Ich komme aus Italien / Frankreich / Deutschland - I come from Italy/ France/ Germany

Welche Sprachen sprichst du? - What languages do you speak?

Ich wohne in Italien - I live in Italy

Ich spreche Englisch, Spanisch und NiederlÀndisch - I speak English, Spanish and Dutch

Ich bin letztes Jahr nach Deutschland gezogen - I moved to Germany last year 

Ich fahre jeden Sommer in den Urlaub nach Griechenland - I go to Greece on holiday each summer

Ich bin in viele LĂ€nder gereist - I travelled in a lot of countries 

Ich war noch nie in Österreich - I've never been to Austria before




III. Vocabulary hints - Nationalities and countries in German

II. Phrasal verbs - Nationalities and Countries in German

*Scroll right and left through the table. He's friendly!
Article Word Plural form Translate
die der Kontinent Kontinente the continent
die Europa - Europe
das Nordamerika - North America
das SĂŒdamerika - South America
das Afrika - Africa
das Asien - Asian
das Australien - Australia
das Antarktika - Antartica
das Arktis - Artic
der Osten, Westen, Norden, Westen - east, west, north, west
die Sprache Sprachen langauge
das Land - LĂ€nder
die NationalitÀt NationalitÀten nationality
die Flagge Flaggen flag
die Kultur Kulturn culture
der BĂŒrger BĂŒrgerin / BĂŒrger Northcitizen
die Muttersprache - mother tongue
die Muttersprachler Muttersprachlerin native speaker
die Reisepass ReisepÀsse passport
Verbs kommen aus - to go come from
- wohnen - to live
- in ein neues Land ziehen - to move to a new country
- sprechen - to speak
- reisen - to travel
- fahren nach - to drive to
- liegen - to be located
- Freunde besuchen - to visit friends

I. Vocabulary - Nationalities and Countries in German

Nationalities: Countries


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