immersive walking: find some time and study intensively this vocabulary list using the flashcards, then take a walk throughout the city and name everything you see: streets, museums, schools, shops, gas stations
guess the word game: try to describe the places in the city without mentioning the word itself, let the other person guess it (don’t be too obvious)
Ich lebe in einer großen Stadt im Norden des Landes - I live in a big city in northern part of the country
Meine Mutter arbeitet als Krankenschwester im Krankenhaus - My mother works in the hospital as a nurse
In der Freizeit kann man hier ins Kino gehen - In your free time you can go to the cinema
Wo kann ich eine Tankstelle finden? - Where can I find a gas station?
Die Bank befindet sich zwischen der Schule und der Post - The bank is located between the school and the post office
Sie rief auf der Polizeistation an, aber niemand antwortete - She called at the police station but nobody answered
Am Wochenende essen wir oft im Restaurant - We often eat at the restaurant at weekend
Ich studiere an der Universität in Berlin - i study at university in Berlin
Lass uns in die Stadt fahren - Let’s go to the city
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