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Translate the following word.
If it is a noun, don't forget to add the proper article.

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IV. Flashcards - Train your german vocabulary Pyshical description

You'll find the adjectives for describing the body. If you want the parts of the body, please follow this link

  • picture description: select several pictures that include a lot of people and try to describe what you see by following the structure : upper body (head, face, body shape)- lower body  + clothing

  • don’t forget that all these adjectives decline according to the gender/number/case of the noun (for more information check out lessons)

  • try to describe your family in an essay, highlighting the endings and figuring out their grammar use; it’ll make you aware of their proper endings

Gesicht streichen – to stroke one's face


Augenbrauen heben – to raise one's eyebrows


Schultern zucken – to shrug one's shoulders


Nase rümpfen – to wrinkle one's nose


Kinn vorstrecken – to thrust out one's chin


Stirn runzeln – to frown


Zähne zeigen – to show one's teeth


Lippen beißen – to bite one's lips

III. Vocabulary hints - Physical Description of the body in German

II. Phrasal verbs - Physical Description of the body in German

*Scroll right and left through the table. He's friendly!
Article Word Plural form Translate
Adjective muskulös - muscular
- schlank - slim
- übergewichtig - overwieght
- winzig - tiny
- kleid - small
- groß - big
- riesig - huge
- kurz - short
- lang - long
- dick - thick
- dünn - thin
- zerbrechlich - fragile
- lockig - curly
- glatt - straight
- wide - breit

I. Vocabulary - Physical Description of the body in German

Physical Description of the body in German


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