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Separable verbs

I.Theory and definition: Separable and Inseparable  Verbs (present tense)

Separable inseparable verbs german

Check me!

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Miss Purrfect's


" Help"

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Mr. PuddleThere are some verbs that are separable and/or inseparable depending on the next prefixes:   durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter-, but I recommend you that you should learn the verbs by heart, it’s almost impossible to know the differences if you don’t have the experience.

Check me!

Lady Hairball: Es ist klar! Danke!

Check me!

Check me!

He is destroying the house.

They forbid us everything.

Er zerstört das Haus.

Sie verbiten uns alles.

Sie wird alles missverstehen!

Ich gewinne das nächste Mal.

She will misunderstand everything!

I win next time.





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Inseparable verbs

Check me!

I don't want to experience that!

She cannot escape!

Ich will das nicht erleben!

Sie kann nicht entgehen!

Was können Sie uns empfehlen?

Sie bekommt kein Geschenk.

What can you recommend to us?

She doesn't get a present.





Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

I'll pick her up today

Should I throw this away?

Are you sending that?

No, I can't send it!

What are you making

I make toys.

I have to prepare myself!

I'm going back home!

The car drives off in 5 minutes.

We have to go!

She teaches us pottery.

She can't teach us pottery.

Which bus do I get on?

I have to get on this bus

We're getting off now!

Where do we have to get off?

Ich mache es nicht zu!

Soll ich das wegwerfen?

Ich muss mich vorbereiten!

Schickt du das hin?

Nein, Ich kann es nicht schicken!

Was stellst du her?

Ich stelle Spielwaren her.

Sie spricht das nach.

Sie kann das nicht nachsprechen.

Ich bringe das Geschenk mit!

Ich möchte das Geschenk mitbringen.

Ich gehe nach Hause zurück!

Das Auto fährt in 5 Minuten los

Wir müssen losfahren!

Sie bringt uns Töpfern bei.

Sie kann uns keine Töpferei beibringen.

In welchem Bus steige ich ein?

Ich muss in diesen Bus einsteigen?

Wir aussteigen jetzt!

Wo müssen wir aussteigen?

Er gibt seinen Traum auf

Er kann seinen Traum nicht aufgeben

Maya fängt morgen die Arbeit an

Sie soll die Arbeit morgen anfangen.

Maya starts work tomorrow.

She should start work tomorrow.

She repeats that.

She cannot repeat that.

I'll bring the present!

I want to bring the present.

I'll pick her up today

I have to pick her up today

Ich hole sie heute ab        

Ich muss sie heute abholen
















📘 über  is mostly inseparable 

übernachten = to spend the night somewhere

überleben = to survive


✔️ There are separable and inseparable verbs with different meanings 


übersetzen = to translate (inseparable), to carry across (separable)


✔️ There are verbs always separable verbs with these prefixes



📘 um is often separable (it means change)


umbauen = to remodel

umdenken = to rethink

Separable and Inseparable verbs




The verbs with these prefixes are separable and/or inseparable


durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter-


These verbs are quite special, let’s see why:


✔️ There are verbs always inseparable verbs with these prefixes:


📘 unter is almost always inseparable ( it means down, bellow or it expresses the omission)


unterschreiben = to sign

sich unterhalten = to talk



    Inseparable verbs: structure for present        tense


✔️ These verbs are alike any other regular/ irregular verb:



Ich besuche meine Eltern.   


I’m visiting my parents.


Ich kann nicht meine Eltern besuchen.


I can't visit my parents.





zerstören = to destroy

zerbrechen = to break into pieces

zerreißen = to tear up (to shred)

it sometimes has the opposite effect or overdoing something


verkaufen = to sell

verbiten = to forbid

verschlafen = to oversleep

the same as in English “-mis”


missverstehen = to misunderstand

missbrauch = to abuse

misstrauen = to mistrust

Result of something


gewinnen = to win

gebrauchen = to consume smth up

sich etwas gefallen = to like something

it signals the end of an action


erleben = to experience

erkennen = to recognize

erschießen = to shoot dead

it sometimes has the opposite effect 


entgehen = to escape

entwerten to avoid

entarten = to degenerate



empfehlen = to recommend

empfangen = to receive

empfinden = to perceive

the verb takes a direct object


beantworten = to answer

besuchen= to visit

bekommen = to get

Mr. Puddles category's 

" I'm not even trying"

Lady Scam category's

" *vissible pain*"

Mrs. Diane Catalog


" That's the last

category, right?. "

Mr. Kitty Hawk category's

" I hate this "

Miss Purrrplex category's

" Im purrrplexed. "



zurückgehen = to go back

zurückdrehen = to turn back

zurückgeben = to give back; to return

close, towards, to, off


zugehören = to belong to

zumachen = to close

zunehmen = o increase; to gain weight

before, forward, pre-, pro-

sich vorbereiten = to prepare oneself (mentally/intellectually/emotionally)


vorschlagen = to suggest

vorlegen = to present

there, motions away from the speaker


hintragen = to carry there

hinkommen = to get there

hinschicken = to send there



wegbringen = to take away

weggeben = to give away

wegwerfen = to throw away

here , motions towards the speaker


herkommen = to come from, here

herstellen = to produce

hertragen = to carry (something) here

*when attached to a motion verb - follow after, for other verbs “to imitate” to reduce”, otherwise it has a lot of other meaning


nachmachen = to imitate

nachsprechen = to repeat after

nachfolgen = to succeed

with, along


mitnehmen = to take along

mitbringen = to bring along

mitarbeiten = to collaborate . to work with

away, off


losfahren = to drive

loskriegen = to get rid off

loskommen = to get away

along, with


beitreten = to join

beibringen = to teach

beiwohnen = to be present at

in, into


einsteigen = to get on ( the bus, the train)

eintauschen = dive in

einladen = to invite

on, down, open, out, up


aufwachsen = grow up

aufschreiben = to write down

aufgeben = to give up

off, out, away


aussteigen = to get out (of the train/car/bus)

ausmachen = to turn off (tha radio, the tv)

ausbleiben = stay away

at, begin, on, to, from, toward


anfangen = to begin

anschauen = to look at

anziehen =  to put on

away from, from  

abfahren = to depart

abholen = to pick up (somebody)

abnehmen = to lose weight, to remove (take away)

  Inseparable verbs


✔️ There are specific endings for inseparable verbs

  Separable verbs in German

✔️ There are specific endings for separable verbs

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Separable and Inseparable Verbs (present tense) in German


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   Separable verbs: structure for present tense



✔️Only separable verbs


Ich lade dich zu meiner Geburtstagsfeier ein! 


 I’m inviting you to my birthday party


✔️Separable verbs + modal verbs = aren’t separable anymore


Ich möchte dich zu meiner Geburtstagsfeier einladen!

=  I want to invite you to my birthday!

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The first sentence will show you how to use these verbs in combinations with normal verbs, and the other one with the modal verbs.

Mrs. Purrplexed gives a tip!


He gives up his dream.

He cannot give up his dream.

✔️   Practical examples. Watch these sentences and follow the part of the speech. Try to feel the structure! After that, play with Mrs. Purrplexed!

V. Let's practice! - Separable and inseparable verbs in German

Mr. Puddle

Basically, yes. The only exception is when we use modal verbs, then the separable verbs are inseparable and pushed at the end of the sentence.

Mr. Puddle:  One should know that German has two types of verbs: separable and inseparable. The main distinction between these verbs is given by the specific prefixes: ab-, an-, auf-, aus-, bei-, ein-, los-, mit-, nach-, her-, hin-, vor-, weg-, zu-, zurück- for separable and be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, zer- for inseparable.

Lady Hairball: And it was still another category…

Lady Hairball:: Are separable verbs always “separable”?

Lady Hairball:  What aspects are the most important about this lesson?

     IV. Purrrfection explained! - Separable and inseparable verbs in German

✔️Try learning these verbs in pairs:


einsteigen (to get on) - aussteigen (to get off)

abnehmen (to lose weight) -  zunehmen (to gain weight)



✔️Understand the prefixes:


zer - it refers to destruction

ver - it often means the opposition

bieten  - to offer

verbiten - to forbid



✔️Practice the language by reading, listening (passive learning) 


These verbs are commonly used in conversations, videos, newspapers, magazines; as long as you are exposed to all kinds of materials you’ll get used to them in no time. 

 III.  Tips & Tricks :  How to learn them easily? - Separable and inseparable verbs in German

II.  Practical examples - Separable and inseparable verbs in German





The English phrasal verbs are similar to the German separable and inseparable verbs. In English, the addition of a preposition changes the meaning of the verb (as, for example :  get - get up), whereas in German the addition of certain prefixes (um, an, aus etc) either change the meaning  of the verb or form new verbs.



Select the correct answer:

Number The prefix “zer” commonly refers to…

Number This sentence is wrong “Maya anfängt morgen die Arbeit” because “anfangen” is…

Number Modal verbs push the separable verbs at the end and as a result, they become…

Number be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, zer-: are prefixes for …

Number In this sentence becommen is correct: “Sie bekommt kein Geschenk”, because bekommen is..

Number The opposite of “einsteigen” is…

Number durch-, hinter-, über-, um-, unter- are prefixes for ... verbs

Number “Ich abhole sie heute” isn’t correct because “abholen” is ...

Number The prefix “mis” often indicates the same meaning as in ...

Number The opposite of “abnehmen” (to lose weight) is...

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