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Adjective Genitive endings

Genitive prepositions:

Relative pronouns

Possessive adjectives/ pronouns

The articles

genitive case german grammar
genitive case german grammar
genitive case german grammar

Check me!

Check me!

statt/ anstatt

Lass uns Schach spielen, anstatt auszugehen


Er hat trotz seiner anderen Probleme so viel Geld verdient


Wegen Corona Virus gibt es einen Lockdown


Während der Weihnachtsferien bleibe ich bei meinen Großeltern


Es ist innerhalb der Flasche


Er lebt außerhalb des Dorfes


Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

Check me!

1. The woman, whose picture are so famous, is coming tomorrow




2. My brother, whose wife died last year, is getting married again


1. Let's play chess instead of going out




2. He made so much money despite his other problems




3.  Because of CoronaVirus there's a lockdown




4. During the Christmas holidays I'm staying at my grandparents



5.  It's inside the bottle



6. He lives outside the village




1. The dog's possession lives here



2. The nephew's car is broken



3. The hospital stuff is net



4. Mother's phone isn't here



5. The manager of the hotels smokes a lot





Der Besitzer des Hundes lebt hier

Weak masculine

Das Auto des Neffen ist kaputt


Das Zeug des Krankenhauses ist nett


Das Telefon der Mutter ist nicht hier


Der Manager der Hotels raucht viel


statt/ anstatt

instead of


despite of


because of
während during


inside of


outside of



Relative clause


Die Frau,

deren Bilder so berühmt sind,

kommt morgen

Mein Bruder,

dessen Frau letztes Jahr gestorben ist,

heiratet wieder



Relative clause


Der Junge,

dessen Eltern Ärzte sind,

hatte einen Autounfall

The boy,

whose parents are doctors,

had a car accident


Masculine/ Neuter Feminine/ Plural
dessen deren
whose whose


There is an important rule: Never use this structure in case there's a an article in the sentence!

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!



1. The teacher's son is not working.


2. The man of the neighbour is there


3. The man of the house is strong


4. The people of the city celebrate


5. People's life is good




Der Sohn des Lehrers arbeitet nicht. 

Weak masculine

Der Sohn des Nachbarn ist da


Der Mann des Hauses ist stark


Die Leute der Stadt feiern


Das Leben der Menschen ist gut


Not sure when to put -s or -es ? One-syllable nouns get -es, two-/ + syllables nouns get -s. For weak masculine nouns it’s wise to use a dictionary and create a vocabulary diary where you note them down

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


Don’t forget! There isn’t any indefinite article for plural: “a drinks”, you might use the negative indefinite article “no drinks

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


  Definite Indefinite












⭐ Don’t forget about the relative clause between commas (the verb at the end):



✔️ We already learned the relative pronoun in the Nominative, Accusative and Dative cases, now let’s see their forms in the genitive case:

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Important tip!



In the informal speech, natives often talk casually using “von + dative ” rather than genitive :




Wir kaufen alle Bücher von seinem Lieblingsautor


We are buying all his favorite author’s books





✔️ Mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser, euer, ihr


✔️ They already express possession, so it’s no use for them in the  genitive 


✔️ These are very rare so instead use “von +  dative 

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✔️ It’s the same as in English, without apostrophe :


Anas Mutter kocht pizza         Ana’s mother makes pizza




✔️ One more thing:


➔The genitive masculine and neuter nouns get -s or es


➔The feminine genitive nouns and plurals don’t get any special ending



✔️Exception: weak masculine nouns get -n, -en instead of -s, -es




✔️ Note that only the masculine and neuter gets -s: des


✔️ The genitive for feminine and the plural are exactly the same as the dative: der

What is the Genitive and how can we relate it to English?



  • It’s the case of “possession” used for an object that belongs to someone/ something


  • The English equivalent is:  



✔️ ‘s  “the man’s house, the doctor’s son”


✔️ Of the “the man of the house” “the son of the doctor

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Take your chance and try to guess what these  sentences mean ! After, follow the structure to get a better understanding !

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


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The easiest part: all of them get -en 


“des jungen Mannes” , “der jungen Frau”, “des alten Hauses”

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Mr. Puddle:  Gern geschehen!

Mr. Puddle:  The first word or the subject is the determiner, so you figure out which is the subject, then the gender and hocus pocus: here is the relative pronoun

Mr. Meowrr: Oh, thanks!

Mr. Meowrr: I have two new favorite words: dessen and deren, but I’m sometimes confused… If I say “The car whose owner is my sister, was stolen” How do I figure out which is masculine or femnine?

I. Theory and definitions: Genitive case in German

Genitive case in german

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✔️   This is a special kind of practice, as the genitive case tends to be difficult. See the translations, follow the structure!


V. Let's practice! - Genitive case

     IV. Purrrfection explained! - Genitive case


✔️ Keep in mind that there are only two forms for definite articles: des, der 


✔️ The masculine and neuter nouns get -s, es


✔️ Look up in the dictionary in case you’re not sure if the masculine nouns are weak or not (they get -en, -n)


✔️ There are only two relative pronouns: dessen, deren


✔️ Genitive case has specific prepositions like Accusative and Dative

 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn  them easily? - Genitive case





➔ Casual speech: wegen and trotz are with dative (natives often use it but grammatically is incorrect)



Formal speechWritten speech: wegen and trotz are with genitive (the correct case)



It isn’t unusual the fact that the genitive has specific prepositions like any other case:

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II.  Practical examples - Genitive case

Genitive case is the fourth and fortunately, the last German case you learn, after a long journey of struggling through the grammar cases (Nominative, Accusative and Dative). Two or three centuries ago it was regularly used in the spoken language but nowadays people use it less and less, and some German natives assume it will disappear from the language. Nevertheless, it still holds an important position in the scientific and written language as well in the spoken language and it is used primarily for possession.


Choose the correct articles or prepositions :

Number Die Kräfte Hexe sind nicht magisch

NumberIch habe den Wettbewerb meiner Schwächen gewonnen .

NumberEr ist ein guter Freund mir.

Number Er geht zur Schule, den Bus zu nehmen.

NumberDie Frau Mannes ist Ärztin

NumberDie Macht Waffen wird den Krieg beenden.

Number der Krise verlassen viele Menschen das Land.

Number Bruder ist seit letzter Woche nicht mehr nach Hause gekommen

NumberWir kennen den Besitzer Hundes nicht.

Number Ein Schüler schlief des Unterrichts ein .

See the translation of the text

The powers of the witch aren't magical

I won the competition despite my weaknesses

He is a good friend of mine

He's walking to school instead of taking the bus

The man's wife is a doctor

The power of the weapons will end the war

Because of the crises many people leave the country

Jonna's brother didn't come home since last week

We don't know the dog's owner

A student fell asleep during the class

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