documentary marathon: watch a number of documentaries dedicated to different religions, their traditions and beliefs
watch some lectures on this topic and make notes while trying to understand the world and the culture from the perspective of distinct religions
ask your classmates, German friends or people with other religious background what it’s like to be religious and how important is their religion for themselves
Glaubst du an Religion? Glaubst du an Gott? - Do you believe in religion? Do you believe in God?
Alle Religionen bieten wichtige Einblicke in die menschliche Natur - All religions offer important insights into human nature
Ich bin Christ/Muslim/Buddhist/Hindu - I am Christian / Muslim / Buddhist / Hindu
Immer mehr Menschen verlieren ihren Glauben an die Religion - More and more people are losing their belief in religion
Religiöse Feste wie Weihnachten, Ramadan oder Diwali sind wichtige Momente/Teile im Leben vieler Menschen - Religious festivals such as Christmas, Ramadan or Diwali are important moments / parts in many people's lives
Religionen haben Gesellschaften im Laufe der gesamten Geschichte geprägt - Religions have shaped societies throughout history
Soziale Werte und Normen sind in einigen Ländern in der Religion begründet - In some countries, social values and norms are based on religion
Religion sollte Menschen vereinen, nicht spaltenI am an atheist - Religion should unite people, not divide them
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