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sonst vs ansonsten = otherwise

Somit vs damit


deshalb, deswegen, darum, daher = because

causal adverbs german grammar
causal adverbs german grammar
causal adverbs german grammar


Er kann kein Deutsch, deshalb kann er dich nicht verstehen.


Du hast das Ticket verloren, deswegen suche ich sie jetzt.


Du hast es gut gemacht, darum bekommst du eine gute Note!


Wir haben zu viel bezahlt, daher haben wir kein Geld mehr.


She isn’t free now. Sie muss nämlich Hausaufgaben machen. 

somit/ also

Ich habe die ganze Arbeit gemacht, somit/ also bist du jetzt dran!


Ich möchte Deutsch lernen, damit ich in Deutschland arbeiten kann.


Ich brauche dich, sonst bin ich verloren...


Tu es! Ansonsten werde ich dich bestrafen!


Notfalls, rufe ich dich an!


Main clause Causal Adverb Dependent clause

Ich kaufe die Flugtickets, 


ich schneller dorthin komme. 

Er kommt heute nicht,

somit/ also

also gehen wir noch nicht


Main clause Causal Adverb Main clause

Er trinkt Wein,

deshalb, deswegen, darum, daher

kann er nicht fahren. 

Er kann nicht fahren

deshalb, deswegen, darum, daher

trinkt er Wein.





✔️ damit so that” shows the purpose

 “I’m buying the plane tickets so that I can get there faster” 



✔️ somit so” “thus” “consequently” is used for logical explanations: 

“He’s isn’t coming today , sothus we’re not leaving yet



✔️ somit is rarely used, instead use “also


  • It introduces a dependant clause: the verbs are at the end

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Do you remember this example?



Hallo Patrick! Nein, ich kann heute Abend nicht ausgehen! Ich muss nämlich für die Prüfung lernen. 



*Hello Patrick! No , I can’t go out tonight! Because I must study for the exam!



✔️ Offers extra information for the reason you have when doing something specifically in a certain context. 


✔️ It stands in the middle, not in the beginning and it isn’t the same as “weil” or “denn

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Check me!

Check me!

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deshalb* therefore


that’s why






namely/ because

= for reasons



so/ thus/  consequently


so that

sonst otherwise
ansonsten otherwise

if necessary

1. He doesn't know German, what's why he can't understand you.



2. You lost the ticket, that's why I'm looking for them now.



3. You did well, therefore you get a good grade!



4. We paid too much, that's why we don't have any money left.



5. She isn’t free now. Because she must do homework.



6. I did all the work, so it's your turn now!



7. I want to learn German, so that I can work in Germany.



8. I need you, otherwise I'm lost...



9. Do it! Otherwise I'll punish you!



10. If necessary I'll call you!




✔️ All are interchangeable


✔️ Introduce main clauses: the verbs/ modal verbs stays in the 2nd position


✔️ Darum is more colloquial


✔️ Daher isn’t so often used in conversation, it’s used in official settings

The causal adverbs:



✔️ Show the cause, condition, the purpose or the result of a specific action


✔️ In some cases change the structure and there are similarities between forms 



Here’s a list the most common causal adverbs:

Mr. Fluffy:  Grammatically, is it correct to use them interchangeably?

Mr. Puddle:  Yes! The nuances you get later as you immerse yourself in the language

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Cats are lovely and may prove to be a good company for you while learning or struggling with German.

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Mr. Fluffy:  Why are there four synonyms for “thereforethat’s why/ because of that”?

Take your chance and try to guess what these  sentences mean ! 

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


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Mr. Puddle:  German is a very rich and meaningful language with lots of meanings in different contexts. Deswegen and deshalb are somewhat more interchangeable, while daher is used in the official language, also darum is  colloquial and slightly used more in certain contexts than others.

Mr. Puddle:  These compounds use “da” to express logical relationships, quite abstract, isn’t it? More will be discussed at B2 level.

Mr. Puddle:  Yes, they are. Some of the words you learned today such as darum/daher, will be extensively revised along with da-compounds.

Mr. Fluffy: What are da-compounds?

Mr. Fluffy: Mr. Puddles ! Adverbs seems quite intiuitive!

I. Theory and definitions: Causal adverbs 

Causal adverbs in german

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✔️   Follow the next adverbs and see an example of how they work in these contexts. Also, Mrs. Purrplexed can't wait to play with you!


V. Let's practice! - Causal adverbs

     IV. Purrrfection explained! - Causal adverbs

✔️ Causal adverbs express the condition, the purpose, the result or the cause of an action


✔️ You should notice some subtle nuances in their meaning: such as damit/somit/also or nämlich, the interchangeability of deswegen/deshalb/daher/darum

 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn  them easily? - Causal adverbs




✔️ Are interchangeable



✔️ Sonst is the short form of “ansonsten” and  it's more used in the spoken language

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II.  Practical examples: Causal adverbs

⭐  In order to understand the causal adverbs, please look at the context of the highlighted words and try figuring out the functions of the adverbs, without reading further; when you’re finished, continue the lesson:



“Hello Patrick! No , I can’t go out tonight! Because I must study for the exam… Otherwise I’ll fail it. I did poorly on my latest exams and that’s why this one is so important. Tomorrow I’m completely free after 7, so we could meet up for the movie night as we planned last week. What? Of course, 6 is fine for me. Bye!.


Fill in the gaps with the corresponding causal adverbs:

Hier ist eine Liste, um mehr zu lesen:

Number Versuchen Sie, ein Tagebuch zu führen, Sie keine Bücher oder Autoren vergessen, von denen Sie hören .

NumberErzählen Sie Ihren Freunden Geschichten! sind Sie motiviert, mehr zu lesen .

Number Wenn Sie keine konstante Person sind, machen Sie sich Notizen an den Wänden Stellen Sie Telefonerinnerungen ein

Number Finden Sie ein Hobby und lesen Sie mehr darüber, Sie mehr darüber erfahren .

Number Sie müssen einen Weg finden, sich zu motivieren, passiert nichts und die Bücher bleiben ungeöffnet . .

See the translation of the text

Here is a list to read more:

1. Try to keep a journal so you don't forget any books or authors you hear about

2. Tell your friends stories! Therefore , you are motivated to read more

3. If you are not a constant person, take notes on the walls. Set phone reminders if necessary

4. Find a hobby and read about it so that you can learn more about it

You have to find a way to motivate yourself, otherwise nothing will happen and the books will remain unopened

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