highlighting technique: mark all the words related to emotions, feelings, qualities and characteristics from our stories ( the reading section) and find synonyms or opposite words
focus on the emotional aspect of stories you read, movies you watched or songs you listen to and write them down “This movie felt like…” “I had all these emotions such as…”
Psychologist technique: pay attention to how people felt or reacted in videos on youtube and analyse them and find reasons why they behave in certain ways “This woman said that she felt …., she was … because…”
Viele Menschen lieben ihre Haustiere - Many people love their pets
Warum haben Sie sich gestern über diesen Mitarbeiter geärgert? - Why were you annoyed with this employee yesterday?
Die Kinder sind neugierig, immer mehr über die Welt zu erfahren - The children are curious to learn more and more about the world
Er ist sehr glücklich, weil er im Lotto gewonnen hat - He's very happy because he won the lottery
Er wurde gefeuert, nachdem er seinen Chef aus Wut beleidigt hatte - He was fired after insulting his boss out of anger
Sie war beeindruckt zu sehen, wie ihr Bruder das Leben eines Mannes rettete - She was impressed to see how her brother saved a man's life
Ich fühle mich wohl, wenn ich Zeit mit der Familie verbringe - I feel good when I spend time with the family
Sie war den ganzen Tag traurig - She was sad all day
Sei nicht so pessimistisch, am Ende wird alles gut - Don't be so pessimistic, everything will be alright in the end
Die Eltern weinten vor Freude und Erleichterung, als sie sahen, wie sich ihre Tochter von dem Unfall erholte - The parents wept with joy and relief when they saw their daughter recover from the accident
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