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Translate the following word.
If it is a noun, don't forget to add the proper article.

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IV. Flashcards - Train your german vocabulary Sports

  • Imagine you are famous in a sport, what sport would it be? What would your day look like? write a creative story about your life as a sport celebrity 

  • watch videos and learn more about other sports, maybe you’ll find out something new and it’ll become part of your hobbies 

  • join a sports club, play in a sport that forces you to step out of your comfort zone and learn the vocabulary related to this sport

Ich mache jeden Tag Sport, bevor ich zur Arbeit gehe - I do sport every day before going to work


Ihre Lieblingssportarten sind Tennis und Volleyball - Her favorite sports are Tennis and Volleyball


Ein professioneller Fußballspieler beginnt schon in jungen Jahren zu spielen - A professional soccer player starts playing at a young age


Radfahren ist in überfüllten Städten eine Alternative zum Autofahren - Cycling is an alternative to driving a car in crowded cities


Sie fahren jeden Winter in den Ferien Ski - You ski every winter during the holidays


Ich reite gerne Pferde und kümmere mich auch gerne um sie - I like to ride horses and also take care of them


Er wird dieses Jahr am Turnier teilnehmen - He will take part in the tournament this year


Der Gegner ist einer der stärksten Schachspieler - The opponent is one of the strongest chess players


Wir werden diesen Sommer eine Sportveranstaltung organisieren - We're going to organize a sports event this summer


III. Vocabulary hints - Sports in German

II. Phrasal verbs - Sports in German

*Scroll right and left through the table. He's friendly!
Article Word Plural form Translate
der Sport the sport
die Sportart Sportarten the sport type/discipline
der Sportler Sportler the athlete (male)
die Sportlerin Sportlerinnen the athlete (female)
das Training Trainings the training
Die Turnhalle the gymnasium
die Arena Arenen the arena
der Amateur Amateure the amateur
der Profi Profis the professional
der Athlet Athleten the athlete
der Wettbewerb Wettbewerbe the competition
der Konkurrent Konkurrenten the competitor
die Veranstaltung Veranstaltungen the event
der Gegner Gegner the opponent
der Rekord Rekorde the record
die Fähigkeit Fähigkeiten the ability
das Stadion Stadion the stadium
das Turnier Turniere the tournament
der Sieg Siege the victory
Verbs wandern - to hike
- kegeln - to bowl
- segeln - to sail
- reiten - to ride
- boxen - to box
- joggen - to jog
- angeln - to fish
- turnen - to do gymnastics
- klettern - to climb
- ringen - to wrestle
- tauchen - to dive

I. Vocabulary - Sports in German

Sports in German vocabulary


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