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Sie war dabei, aber sie blieb nicht zu lange
She was there, but she didn't stay too long
Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben. Ich werde danach ausgehen
I do my homework. I'll go out after after that
Sie träumt davon, Lehrerin zu werden She dreams of becoming a teacher
Sie dürfen sich nichts daraus machen! Don’t let it bother you!
Ich werde die Lampe darauf setzen I will put the lamp on it
Ich sehe die Wolken darüber I see the clouds above it
Was ist darin? What’s in it?
Es ist eine Tasche darunter It's a bag underneath


Wir trinken Tee und  dazu Croissants.

We drink tea and croissants with it.

Ich konnte mich nicht daran halten

I couldn't stick with it
Ich habe nur einen Stift und schreibe damit! I only have a pen and I write with it!
Wir sind mitten im Ozean, dadurch sind wir verloren...

We're in the middle of the ocean, thereby we're lost...

Sie kämpft dagegen an! She fights against it!
Was hast du dafür? What do you have for it?
Sie haben den Wald abgeholzt, daher protestieren wir jetzt They cut down the forest, that’s why now we're protesting
Bis dahin ist noch 5 Minuten Until there it’s still 5 minutes
Ich habe ein Haus mit einem Garten davor

I have a house with a garden in front of it


Important tip: separable verbs used with da - compound make interesting combinations resulting in dependent clauses (but not necessary):

Have you noticed? da followed by a vowel gets an extra -r

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


Ich traume davon

Arzt zu werden

I dream of becoming a doctor

Ich freue mich darauf

wie du bereits weißt

I'm looking forward to it as you already know


auf darauf

on/after that

über darüber

about it, above it

in darin

in it

unter darunter

underneath, among them

hin dahin there


her                daher          
vor davor before that, in front of it
bei dabei

as well, at that

nach danach

after that

von davon

from it

aus daraus

out of it


zu                dazu          

(along) with it, in addition to it

an daran

with it

mit damit

with it, so that, because of that

durch dadurch

thereby, thus, consequently, through it

gegen dagegen against it
für dafür

in exchange, in favor, for it


The most common da - compunds : 

Notice that da - compounds are combinations of different prepositions with the particle “da

Mrs. Puddles gives a tip!


Mr. MeowrrNot it makes sense. Danke!

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➔  Da - compounds refer to things/objects/ideas that aren’t mentioned because both the speaker and the listener know exactly what they are talking about



➔  When we talk indirectly about persons we use pronouns without prepositions  “I want to drive him to the shopping center” or with prepositions “with him, about him” not da - compounds



➔  Da - compounds are used for things/objects/ideas we’re speaking of, while using prepositions

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Take your chance and try to guess what these  sentences mean ! Afterwards, follow the structure to get a better understanding !

Mrs. Purrplexed wants to play!


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Mr. Puddle:  Exactly! In the old English some compounds were often used, such as thereby, thereon, therefore etc but nowadays people use them less and less while in German these compounds are still very common. 

Mr. Puddle:  Da compounds are the German equivalents of some combinations between the impersonal pronoun “it” or the demonstrative pronoun “that'' and different prepositions. You shall not forget to use da - compounds when referring to objects/ things and not persons. Germans use da - compounds on a daily basis 

Mr. Meowrr: For persons we use the personal pronouns in combinations with prepositions. We also have some compounds in English but we don’t use them so much...

Mr. Meowrr: I mean, if we would have to take a conclusion about what da - compunds are.. how would it sound?

I. Theory and definitions : Da - Compunds

Da - Compounds

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✔️ Follow the sentences and see how the structures work. You may wanna play with Mrs. Purrplexed too while trying to translate some of them!


V. Let's practice! - Da compounds 

     IV. Purrrfection explained! - Da compounds

✔️ Da - compounds are always used when referring back to something we don’t mention explicitly


✔️ Da compounds are always used in combinations with certain prepositions which give the meaning to the compounds 


✔️ Da compounds refer only to things/objects/ ideas and not persons


✔️ Separable verbs might be used with da - compounds and form dependent or independent clauses  

 III.  Tips & Tricks : How to learn  them easily? - German conjunctions


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*If this table doesn't display right, please turn your phone horrizontaly !

II.  Practical examples - Da compounds

✔️ In order to understand da - compounds, please look at the context of the highlighted words and try figuring out the functions of da-compounds without reading further; when you’re finished, continue the lesson:




“Her idea was good. I wasn’t against it but I had no choice. You were on her side and I was all by myself. I can’t talk about it right now. I’m really mad because of that but you won’t get it.”

Choose the right da compound:

Number Ich wasche das Geschirr, meine Mutter mir das Telefon zurückgibt.

NumberDer Krieg hat begonnen, ziehen wir morgen um. .

NumberIch finde nichts .

NumberWas ist ?

Number Was hast du ?

NumberIch werde nachdenken.

NumberBeginnen Sie !

NumberEs war Gold .

Number Ich habe nichts mehr .

Number Ich möchte ankämpfen

See the translation of the text

1. I wash the dishes so my mom will give me the phone back

2. The war started that's why we move tomorrow

3. I don't find anything underneath

4. What's above that?

5. What do you have for it?

6. I'll think about it

7. Start with it!

8. It was gold in it

9. I don't have any more of it

10. I want to fight it

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